Posts in family law
Confessions of a Divorce Lawyer: Managing Stress

Meditation isn’t just for yogis and want to be Buddhas.  Meditation is a tool.  Think about meditation the way you think abut taking a walk to blow off steam, or going to the gym to help lower your blood pressure.   The wonderful thing about meditation is that you can access it anytime, anywhere, for whatever amount of time you have. This can be in your car prior to your first meeting with your lawyer, while you are walking the dog, during a break when you and your ex are meeting, or when you are taking your morning shower. 

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Domestic Violence and Collaborative Practice

Over the past two weeks, our Waterloo Region Collaborative Practice Group (Best4All) undertook three full days of excellent training in domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV) screening for collaborative practitioners. We did this to improve our skills in identifying when IPV is present in the families we work with - and managing our process accordingly.

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